Sustainability Initiatives Spur Growing Distributed Control Systems Investments

  • November 17, 2023
  • ARC Advisory Group
  • News
Sustainability Initiatives Spur Growing Distributed Control Systems Investments
Sustainability Initiatives Spur Growing Distributed Control Systems Investments

Nov. 16, 2023 - Despite supply chain challenges, ongoing economic uncertainty and rising energy and the prices of raw materials, the global Distributed Control Systems (DCS) market did provide some pockets of opportunity for suppliers. Governments around the world showed an increasing appetite toward investing to become less dependent on unreliable foreign suppliers of energy. This increased focus on energy security, and helped drive investment activity in nuclear, LNG and even fossil fuel power plants. Sustainability goals and environmental, social and governance (ESG) mandates have taken the forefront of every business sector. For many of the heavy process industries, decarbonization impacts the entire value chain, including raw materials, manufacturing products materials and components, as well as consumption by consumers and disposal.
"Leading chemical R&D groups are now making investments in advanced chemical recycling along with the help of several smaller engineering firms (startups). Processes such as depolymerization and improved pyrolysis technologies to turn mixed plastic waste into naphtha or pyrolysis oil, which can be cracked into petrochemicals and plastics, will eventually decrease in cost, and become more easily scalable and economically viable. Over time these methods of advanced recycling will continue to be more cost effective. Key drivers for investments are to satisfy customer buying preferences and access to new markets," according to Harry Forbes, Director of Research and key author of ARC's Distributed Control Systems Market Research.

Distributed control systems market trends

In addition to providing detailed competitive market share data, the research also addresses key market trends as follows:

  • Beyond main automation contractor 
  • Compute is moving to the edge 
  • Configurable/characterizable I/O 
  • Higher levels of cybersecurity
  • Industry 4.0 and NAMUR Open Architecture (NOA) 
  • Modular automation
  • Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) convergence
  • Remote operations management
  • Software convergence
  • Software-defined process automation 
  • Virtualization

Leading suppliers to the distributed control systems market Identified

In addition to providing specific market data and industry trends, this ARC market research also identifies and positions the leading suppliers to this market and provides and summarizes their relevant offerings. An alphabetical list of key suppliers covered in this analysis includes: ABB, Emerson Automation Solutions, Honeywell, Siemens, Yokogawa.

About the distributed control systems research

The Distributed Control Systems research explores the current and future market performance and related technology and business trends and identifies leading technology suppliers. This new research is based on ARC’s industry-leading market research database, extensive primary and secondary research, and proprietary economic modelling techniques. The research includes competitive analysis, five-year market forecasts and five years of historical analysis. The segmentation includes Scope of Research, Application Type, Customer Type, Hardware by Type, System Size, Industry, Project Type, Revenue Category, Sales Channel, Service Revenues by Type, Unit Type Total, World Region, World Region Total.
This new research is available in a variety of formats to meet the specific research and budgetary requirements of a wide variety of organizations. These include:

  • MIRA Service: An annual subscription service that provides a unique online environment to each customer, together with all the necessary user interface apps and datasets. MIRA unlocks the full benefits of ARC’s time-tested market intelligence by leveraging the latest analytical tools and technologies to allow you to make more actionable, real-time business decisions.   Interactive access to ARC’s qualitative analysis is displayed in context with up-to-date market data, allowing clients to develop customized views of the market to best suit their needs.
  • Concise Market Analysis Report (PDF): This wide-screen presentation format provides executives, business unit managers, and other users with immediate access to in-depth market analysis, including analysis associated with every market data chart and figure. Included is an executive-level summary of the current market dynamics, five-year market forecast and competitive analysis, plus an overview of strategic issues. The PDF is available with a comprehensive set of charts with associated analysis.
  • Market Intelligence Workbook (Excel Power Pivot, sold with Market Analysis Report PDF): A standard Excel Workbook, including base year market data and a five-year market forecast. This workbook enables licensed users to freely manipulate data, making it easier to analyze the latest data for business intelligence and generate custom reports, including up to five years of historical analysis.

For more information on this and other available ARC market research, please visit our Market Analysis Services.

About ARC Advisory Group

ARC Advisory Group is the leading market research and advisory firm for industry, infrastructure and cities.  ARC analysts have the industry knowledge and firsthand experience to help clients find the best answers.

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