OPC Tutorial - Basics, Vision and Integration of OPC for Process Control

  • December 27, 2013
  • MatrikonOPC
  • News
OPC Tutorial - Basics, Vision and Integration of OPC for Process Control
OPC Tutorial - Basics, Vision and Integration of OPC for Process Control

OPC (OLE for Process Control) is the world's fastest growing standard for the exchange of process control data.  While many within industry have heard of OPC, not everyone knows what OPC is and the many benefits it offers.  Matrikon, an OPC Foundation Charter Member, has produced a 30-minute online multimedia tutorial to explain the basics and vision of OPC and how to begin integrating it into new and current systems.  This tutorial is made up of six modules:


Module 1 - OPC Basics

An introduction to OPC compares traditional, or proprietary, connectivity methods with how OPC connects disparate devices and applications together using a single standard.


Module 2 – Case Study

A case study clearly demonstrates the concepts explained in Module One by taking viewers through a practical example.


Module 3 – Background Information

Learn how vendors become OPC-complaint and why this is important.  In addition, the third module provides a quick overview of the different OPC specifications.


Module 4 – OPC Data Access

OPC DA is the most popular and integrated specification today. The tutorial explains what OPC DA is and guides viewers through a practical example.


Module 5 – OPC Historical Data Access

Like Module Three, this module talks about the OPC HDA specification.


Module 6 – OPC Summary

The final Module provides a summary and gives viewers a number of links for more OPC information.


Click Here for More Information

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